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Usage Documentation

For Institutes

Test Records

After you select "Test Records" from the left menu, you will see the following screen.

The above screen lists all the test records. the table combinely shows the records according to class. The left side of table has filter options to sort the records according to date range, class and subject.


There are filters present at the left side of table. You can either sort the records by date range, class, subject or all of them. The date range is inclusive of start and end date.

Adding a new test record:

To add a new test record of student, click on the green button at bottom right corner with a (plus) icon. It will show the a dialog box to enter the test record details,as follows.

The above dialog contains two sections to add entry - Single and Bulk.
Single: If you are adding a test record of single student, then should choose this section. You have to select class, subject, date and fill Roll no., description and marks.
Bulk: If you have more records to add in a single test,then you can use a bulk section as shown in below screenshot.

The multiple records can be inserted in the system using CSV files. You can download the files using the link in the dialog box. Fill the records appropriately and upload the filled file. The records will be uploaded and the duplicate records will be filtered.

View Test details

In the table of records, in the action column, there is (view) symbol which takes you to the details screen of the respective test, as follows.

This screen shows the number of students who given the test along with their respective marks. DigiClass automatically calculates the highest and lowest marks among the list and show it at top right corner, above the table. The (trash) icon deletes the respective record.

Adding record in particular test:

To add a new record in this list, simply click on the bottom right green coloured button having (plus) symbol, a new dialog will open. Just enter roll number and marks and DigiClass will add the record to the list.

Generating PDF file of test

You can genrate the .pdf file of the test to download, save or print the test details. To do that, just click on the Generate pdf button at the top right corner of screen, and it will generate the pdf file for you.