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Usage Documentation

For Institutes

Study Materials

DigiClass provides the facility to share institute specific notes with your students conveniently. To do that, simply select Study Materials tab from the left side navigation menu. It will take you to the following screen.

The above screen will contain table containing details of the study materials you have shared so far. The actions column contains two buttons. The (View) button displays the item you uploaded or shared and the (delete) button deletes the item.

Add a new Item:

To add a new study material, click on the green button with a (plus) sign, located at the bottom right of the screen. It will show the dialog box as follows:

There are two ways available to share study materials - Upload File and Share URL.

Upload File:

If you have a file in any format(pdf, image, video, etc.) which you want to share with your students, then you can upload the file with the dialog box, as shown above, along with the following details. Please note that the file name must be unique.

Note: The file size should not exceed the limit of 50 Mb, and file name should be unique.

After you hit Submit, the file will be uploaded and the item will appear in the list. Also, this new item will be visible to students with a particular matching class only. The students can then download that item from the DigiClass app and later read it offline.

Share Item:

If you have an item which is already available somewhere, then you can use this option to share a URL of that item with your students. The students can access that item directly from the DigiClass app, without knowing the actual URL. However, this item will not be available to access offline. See the following dialog box.

In the above dialog box, select class, subject and enter item name, URL.

Note: The URL item name should be unique and URL must be valid.

Click on the Submit button and the item will be shared with the intended students.