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Usage Documentation

For Institutes

This section will describe how to join DigiClass. Any educational institute is eligible to join DigiClass. Its completely free to join. To join, you just have to click on the 'Register Now' Button on top right corner of any page. A registration form will open. Just fill the few required details and click on Submit button. See the below screen.

The required details are:
Institute Name: The Name of your Institute. It can be changed later.
Email: Your official email. Double check your email while entering as it cannot be changed once your account is set up. Also, all conversations related to DigiClass will happen on that email only.
Codename: The Codename is a unique key element of your Institute in this system. You can choose it, but it should be unique and have only maximum five characters with no numbers and no special symbols. Also, all characters must be in lowercase. You can choose it according to above guidelines. If it matches to our guidelines, then we will aprove it. otherwise, we will allot you the similar matching codename which will be final. The codename is unique for each Institute and a compulsory element. You have to inform your students about your codename as it will be required for them while logging in to the DigiClass app.
Password: Choose your password. We do not put any restrictions on your password; but we recommend that, it should be at least 6 characters long, containing alphanumeric characters, at least one special character and an Uppercase letter.

After you click submit, you will see a confirmation message. Please allow us some time to process your request and keep an eye on your mailbox. We will let you know when everything is ready. The request is processed generally in 1-2 business days. But sometimes, it may take longer. But, we will definitely get back to you once we have received your request.