DigiClass for Students - Online Test for students, publish online test results, share digital notes digital system with digiclass app for Students

DigiClass for Students...

With DigiClass android app, you can attempt online test for students, get online test results and all other details about your performance, notices at your fingertips with DigiClass Android App. If your institute is registered on DigiClass, you can use your smartphone to track all activities in your institute with DigiClass for students. You can manage all institutes you joined from a single app.

Whats in it for me?

You will have access to DigiClass app from which you will get track of all your personal data, plus a classes related data like daily attendance details, test marks details, various notices published by institutes along with the notifications. You can attempt online exams for students right from your smartphone with DigiClass app. Institutes can publish the online test results of exams conducted and students can see it from the DigiClass app.

How can I register?

You can contact your institute and suggest them to register on DigiClass. We will review the request and activate the account. Once the account is active, then the institute can start adding your account in the system and you can access it from your smartphone with DigiClass app. Alternatively, You may also put us a request on behalf of your institute by clicking here. We will contact them and do the further process of DigiClass for Students. Still have questions in mind? feel free to use button below to reach us.

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