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For Institutes

Online Test

DigiClass provides the facility of conducting online test for students. Right from creating subjectwise test, putting questions to declaring instant results, everything you can do with DigiClass. To access it, select Online Test from the left navigation menu. This is the screen which you get.

It shows all the test details in the table namely class, subject, date, test name, marks and actions.

Add a new Test:

To add a new test, click on the green button at bottom right corner having a (plus) sign. It will show a bit of greedy dialog box as follows, who needs more details. :)

Below is the explanation of the fields:
Test Name: Give a name to the test which is self-explanatory
Class: Select a class for which test to be created
Subject: Select a subject for the test
Date: Select a date of the test
Time Duration: Time Duration of the test in minutes
Scheduled Time: The time of starting the test. Select hour and minutes from the two dialog boxes.
Instant Result: Select Yes if you want to display the result of test right after submission. Else, select No.
Max Marks: The maximum marks of the test.
Pass Marks: The minimum passing marks of the test.

After filling out these details, hit on Submit button and the new test will be created. Now, we have to add questions in the test.

View Test:

The Actions contains the (view) symbol which shows the test details, as shown below.

The above screen displays all the test details. If you want to edit these details, click on the (edit) link at the top right corner of the screen, and you will see a dialog box. You can update the test details from there. The table below displays the questions which are added in the test along with their options, correct answer, marks for correct answer, marks for wrong answer and a (delete) button to delete a question.

Add new Question:

To add a new question, click on the green button with (plus) sign located at the bottom right corner. It will show a dialog box. DigiClass supports question in both text and image format. Thus, there are different tabs in dialog box for achieving these tasks.

Add new Text Question:

This tab is open by default after clicking on adding a new question. You will see the following screen.

It asks for few fields as follows:
Question: Enter the question
Options - 1,2,3,4: Enter the 4 options, all are mandatory
Answer: Select the correct answer from this dropdown
Correct Score: Select the marks to provide if the answer is correct
Wrong Score: Select the marks to deduct if the answer is wrong.This option can be used in case of negative marking. By default, it is 0. Leave the field as it is if there is no negative marking.

After filling out these details, hit on "Add Question" question button and the new question will be added.

Add new Image Question:

To add a new question image, click on the "Image Question" tab in the dialog box and you will see the following screen.

It asks for few fields as follows:
Question Image: select image of a question.
Options - 1,2,3,4: Enter the 4 options, all are mandatory
Answer: Select the correct answer from this dropdown
Correct Score: Select the marks to provide if the answer is correct
Wrong Score: Select the marks to deduct if the answer is wrong.This option can be used in case of negative marking. By default, it is 0. Leave the field as it is if there is no negative marking.

After filling out these details, hit on "Add Question" question button and the new question will be added.

Add Bulk Questions:

To add multiple questions at once, you can use .CSV file to add all questions at once. To do this, select "Bulk Upload" tab from the dialog box. It is as follows:

First you need a sample csv file if u dont have one. So download it from the link in same dialog box and fill in the data in appropriate places. Don't change the order of columns in csv file. After filling the records successfully, upload the file and all the questions will be uploaded at once.

Note: You can add only text questions through bulk upload and please don't change the order of columns in the CSV file or it won't work properly.
Some important points: