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Usage Documentation

For Institutes


The attendance screen contains all the details to related to attendance of students, as follows.

By default, it shows the attendance for today's date. The table lists the students' class, Roll No. and presenty. The last column named Actions which contains (edit) and (delete) options. The edit will make the present student absent and vice versa, and the delete button will delete the record.


The left side of the table has filters which are used to sort the records according to date and class.

Adding a new attendance record:

To add a new record, click on the green button at the bottom right corner having a plus icon. A dialog box will appear as follows.

There are two options to add records - Single and Bulk.

Add Single Record:

To add a single record, fill the details as class, Roll No., date and Presenty and click Add Record. The record will be added in the system.

Add Bulk(Multiple) Records:

If you have more records to add, then you can use this option to add multiple records at once using CSV files. In the add new record dialog, select the Bulk Upload tab. You will get a following screen.

You can download the sample file from the link in dialog box, fill the appropriate records, and submit the file. All the records will be uploaded in the system at once. The duplicate records will be ignored.

Delete Records:

To delete records, click on the red coloured button at the bottom right with (delete) sign. It will show a following dialog box.

DigiClass provides different ways of deleting records.

Deleting Records Serially:

If you want to delete records with roll numbers serially (for example, 1 to 10), then fill the above details under title Serially Delete. Select class, date, starting and ending Roll No. and on Delete Records button, and all the records on that date, including starting and ending Roll Numbers will be deleted.

Deleting Full Class Records:

This option can be used if you want to delete all the attendance records of a class on a particular date. Use the second option in the dialog box, select appropriate date, class and write "DELETE ALL" to confirm the action and hit the red buttonss below. All the records in the class on a particular date will be deleted.

Generating pdf:

If you would like to have the pdf record of attandance, then click on the Blue button named Generate pdf located at the top right corner, above the table. A new dialog box will open asking for the details of which the record is to be generated. From the dialog box, select Class, month, year and enter Roll No. and click on submit. A pdf file will be generated which contains the details of student's attendance whose Roll No. you have entered. The pdf file contains the monthly table of student's attendance. The green background shows present, red shows absent and white shows no data available.