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Usage Documentation

For Institutes

Notice Board

The notice board is a same like a physical notice board. Using the notice board, you can send targeted notices to the respective students. DigiClass also sends notifications to the students' smartphones whenever a new notice is published. The following screen shows the notice board.

It has a table listing all the notices which are already sent to students. Also, the (trash) icon is there to delete the respective notice.

Add new Notice

To add a new notice, click on the green button at the bottom right corner having a plus icon. A dialog box will appear as follows.

The notices are sent according to classes. Thus, first select a class to which notice is to be sent. If you want to send the notice to all students of institute, then select All Classes from the list. Then put the notice in the textbox below and click on Add Notice button. The DigiClass will send that notice to all the students in a particular class. As soon as the notice is added, DigiClass sends the notification to the intended students in the background.

Note: The notice will continue to see in the student's notice board till it's not deleted from here.