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Usage Documentation

For Institutes


After successful login, you will see the dashboard with various option as follows.

The left navgation panel will be consistent throughout all the pages, which helps to navigate between different pages. The dashboard has total 4 cards.

Classes Card

The top left yellow card shows the number of classes that you have added in your system. The DigiClass keeps students' data sorted according to classes. Thus, before adding any student's record, you have to add the relevant class. To add a class, click on the option View Classes at the bottom of card. A new dialog will open as shown below.

The above dialog lists the classes which are added. You can add a new class from this dialog by filling the name in textbox at bottom and click on Add Class button. The new class will be added. If you want to delete the existing class, then click on the (trash) icon and the class will be deleted.

Note: The class can be deleted only if it is empty. Otherwise, please delete all the students enrolled in that class and then try again.

Students Card

The top right green coloured card shows the total students' count which are registered in the system. In the bottom of the card, there is button View Students which will open a dialog box to choose the class of which you want to see the students' records. Just select the relevant class and click on Submit button and it will show the relevant records.

Subjects Card

The bottom left blue coloured card shows the total number of subjects added in the system. Its pretty same as the Classes' card. Click on the View Subjects button at the bottom of the card. It will show a new dialog box containing all the subjects already present in the system. You will need to add the subject first in order to set the relevant attendance and test records. To add a new subject, put the subject name in the box at bottom of the card and click on Add Subject button.

Institute Card

The bottom right card shows your institute details which are present in the system at the moment. The button Visit Profile at the bottom of the card redirects to the institute's details page where you can update its details.