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Online Test

With DigiClass, you can attempt online test conveniently right from your smartphone with DigiClass app. Your Institute can arrange an online test on a specific date and time and you can attempt it. To see all the available tests for the day, click on the online test option from the home screen. It will take you to following screen.

There will be separate card displayed for each test. It shows the name of test, subject, time duration, maximum marks and starting time. Also, there is a coloured circle indicator before name which will be green in case the test entry is open or test is yet to start. It will be red if the test entry is closed. Click on the test and if the test has open entries, it waill ask for confirmation. After confirming, your test will be started.

Note: The test entries will only be active till 15 minutes from the starting time. After 15 minutes, the entries will be closed and you won't be able to access it.

After you confirm, you will come across he loading screen. It might take few minutes to load the questions depending on the questions' size and your network strength. After the loading is finished, the "Launch Now" button will appear. Click on it to start your test. The following window will appear with the questions.

The above picture describes each part of the test window. Each question may have different positive and negative marks. The "Next" button will turn into "Finish" button at the last question. You can submit at any time, but for submitting the test, you have to naigate to last question and click on "Finish" button. You can navigate using the image chooser as shown in image above with this icon, then it will be opened as follows.

The chooser has some background colors signifying different meanings, as follows:

After the test is finished manually or ended after time is exhausted, there may be two possibilities depending upon what your institute has chosen.

In any of the cases above, the result is automatically saved on the server for future use.

Some important points:

  • If you press back button at any time during the test, then you will be asked if you wish to exit the test. If you selected yes, then you won't be able to attempt the test again and your attempt will not be considered.

  • The clock format is set to 24 hours. Thus, you will see the time of test in 24-hours format everywhere.

  • Even though your internet connection breaks in between the test, you will still be able to continue with the test. But when you are submitting the test, then the internet connection is required.

  • The remaining time is always displayed in minutes. It will turn into red when last one minute is left.