Login to DigiClass View Profile Attendance Test Records Notice Board Study Materials Online Test

Usage Documentation

For Students
DigiClass - Be Digital...

Login to DigiClass

In order to login to DigiClass, you have to download the DigiClass android app from Google Play store from this link. The login page asks for Institute's codename, class, roll no. and password. You should contact your institute for these details. Put in the correct credentials and the DigiClass app will take you to the home screen as follows.

This is the home screen. It will show your photo, name and various useful options. Once you logged in, you will not need to login again next time. You will be directly redirected to this screen. The screen has following possible options:
Logout: This button will logout you from the app. It is shown at top right corner with this symbol.
View Profile: This button will show you all the profile details.
Personal Message: This is the personalized message for you put by your Institute.
Attendance: This option will take you to the attendance screen.
Test Records: This option will take you to the Test Records screen.
Notice Board: This will show the virtual notice board where all targeted notices are displayed.
Study Materials: This section contains the study materials shared digitally by your institute.
Online Test: This option shows all the available online tests at that moment.
About Institute: This option will show the data about the Institute you have joined.
Help & Support : If you want any help or support, or wanna contact us, then you can use this option.
About App : This will show data about app, it's version number and other details.