DigiClass - FAQ for DigiClass website

Frequently Asked Questions

For Institutes

You can click on register button on top right corner and just enter the few details and click Register button. We will receive your joining request and try to activate your account as soon as possible. You will receive a confirmation email after everything is ready.
Currently Joining and using DigiClass is free. If any updates will come, then we will let you know.
Instead of creating your own custom website and mobile app with higher prices, Following are some of the greatest benefits of joining DigiClass:
  • Institutes will be able to maintain all students' data online efficiently with Digiclass.
  • Institutes can conduct online test in a secure environment and students can attempt it right form their smartphones with DigiClass app.
  • The private notes of institutes can be shared online and students can download and view from their smartphones.
  • With the virtual notice board, institutes can convey all important notices to targeted class of students and students can access them from their smartphones.
You can click on the option Documentation=> For Institutes present on the menu bar where you can get all the details about how to use each feature of DigiClass portal.
Definitely. We will not share data to any third party. Please see our privacy policy to see details.
Once you put your account registration request to us, we will work hard to set up your account. It generally takes 1-2 business days. But, In some cases it may take a bit late. We request you to please wait about 4 days from your registration. If you still haven't received any reply from us, then you can drop us an email at support@softglobe.net and we will look into the issue.
We provide Live chat facility for registered Institutes for quick help. You can avail it using the bottom right menu. Our representative will be available for your help. If unfortunately the chat is not available, then you can drop us an email at support@softglobe.net and we will look into the issue.
Yes. If you have to enroll more than one Institute, then you should enroll two separate accounts for each of them.
You can directly contact with us at support@softglobe.net with your query. Please include your Institute name, email and codename in the email for faster process.